Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (2025)

Warframe players looking for a viable build for a primary weapon that deals consistent damage to high-tier targets should rummage through the Arsenal and level up their Nataruk since this infinite ammo bow with a "sweet spot" mechanic can deal loads of damage with the correct build. To get the most out of this Sentient Killing Bow, Tennos should first acquire it by completing The New War quest, and they will get it for free with an Orokin Catalyst already equipped and a weapon slot to boot.


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Nataruk is not an overly complex weapon, it draws and shoots like any other bow, but fires charged arrows with deadly precision. The arrows also cause a small damage area explosion when Perfectly Charged (when drawn to perfection using the indicator in the reticle). This weapon also has one of the highest critical rates of all bows: 40% regular, and 50% when perfect draw is activated. It also boasts the 2nd highest damage from all bows after the Bramma Kuva, though, unlike this Kuva Lich weapon, players won't need to worry about ammo. All these qualities make Nataruk one of the best weapons for high-tier missions like Steel Path and Arbitrations, and it will shred through dozens of targets in a matter of seconds.

Best Nataruk Build For One Shooting Steel Path

Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (2)

For players looking to cause consistent damage and one-shot every enemy they aim at: This Nataruk Build has one of the highest DPS of the current Meta and all the mods and Arcanes required for the build are not so hard to collect.

Players will need at least 4 Forma to make this build work since they need to use max-level mods to make the most out of it. This build relies heavily on the Slash effect and the DoT caused afterward, but we can calculate a maxed (with all buffs applied) per shot damage of approximately 1.3 million DMG per headshot critical.



Galvanized Chamber

Multishot +80% On kill + 30% Multishot for 20 Seconds. Stacks up 5 times, (total increase +230% Multishot)


+165 % Damage

Heavy Caliber

+165 % Damage - 55% Accuracy

Vital Sense

+120% Critical Damage

Hunter Munitions

+30% Chance to apply Slash on a Critical Hit.

Galvanized Aptitude

+80% Status Chance On Kill + 40% Direct Hit Damage Per Status Effect Affecting Target. Stacks up to 2x.

Critical Delay

+200% Critical Chance -20% Fire Rate (2x for Bows, which means -40% for Nataruk)

Primed Shred

+55% Fire Rate (2x for bows, which means +110 % for Nataruk) +2.2 Punch Through

To complete this build we can use an Exilus Adapter to add the Exilus Mod Terminal Velocity, which increases projectile velocity by 60%. Finally, we recommend using an Arcane Primary Adapter to unlock the slot and equip Longbow Sharpshot Arcane, which at maximum range increases 300% Damage in the next shot after a headshot.

Players can also replace Longbow Sharpshot with the Primary Merciless Arcane, which grants a +30% damage increase each time players kill an opponent, and stacks up to 12 times, which is a total of +360% extra damage at max stacks.

If used correctly, this build will help players clear out Steel Path missions like a breeze. Players can optimize this build even more by carrying the Dead Eye Aura mod in their favorite Warframe, which adds 52.5 % extra damage for Snipers and Bows.

Where To Get Every Mod And Arcane For Nataruk Build

Players can get Galvanized Chamber and Galvanized Aptitude by buying it from the Arbitrations vendor in the Arbiters of Hexis hall in every Relay. Each mod costs 20 Vitus Essence. Serration is a pretty common mod, but it only drops in Missions with rotations, like Excavations, Spy, Defense, Interception, and Survival. The nodes with the higher chances of dropping this mod are:

  • Valefor, Europa (Tier 2 excavation) - Rotation B 7.8 % Chance
  • Everest, Earth (Tier 1 excavation) - Rotation B 7.6 % Chance
  • Kiliken, Venus (Tier 1 excavation) - Rotation B 7.6 % Chance
  • Tikal, Earth (Tier 1 excavation) - Rotation B 7.5 % Chance
  • Augustus, Mars (Tier 1 excavation) - Rotation B 7.5 % Chance
  • Cambria, Earth (Tier 1 espionage) - Rotation C 10 % Chance
  • Unda, Venus (Tier 1 espionage) - Rotation C 10 % Chance
  • Suisei, Mercury (Tier 1 espionage) - Rotation C 10 % Chance
  • Arval, Mars (Tier 1 espionage) - Rotation C 10 % Chance
  • Shklovsky, Phobos (Tier 1 espionage) - Rotation C 10 % Chance

Heavy Caliber and Critical Delay can be acquired from all Orokin Vaults on Deimos, at a 4.9 % and 4.1 % Drop Chance respectively, but players can also purchase them from others for an average of 5 Platinum per mod. Additionally, you can get these Mods by completing Corruption Alerts that appear sporadically every few months. Vital Shot can be acquired from Infested Salvage missions in Pestrus, Eris, and drops at a 14.9% rate, so it is a pretty common reward.

Hunter Munitions is a little bit trickier to get, as players need to participate in Operation Plagued Star and kill the Hemocyte, or participate in the Ghoul Purge event in Cetus, which has a 25% chance to drop that mod as one of the rewards. They can also acquire it from other players at a regular price of 10 Platinum.

Primed Shred might be the hardest Mod to get since it only drops from the daily rewards every 200 days. That is 200–400–600, and so on. This means players get only one chance to get this mod per year, and they need to select from three available Primed Mods, which also include Primed Vigor and Primed Fury. If players do not have a chance to get Primed Shred, they can also rely on regular Shred for this build.



Warframe Codes (September 2024)

In this article, players will find all of the active (and expired) codes for Warframe.

Longbow Sharpshot Arcane can be acquired as a rotational reward in The Duviri Circuit, but this depends on the weekly rotation, and might also drop from the Duviri Experience portals while completing it on Steel Path. Players should also be able to purchase it from others starting at Rank 11, and the average Marketplace price for it is around 7 Platinum. Players need at least 21 Arcanes to max it out, which should be around 150 Platinum in total cost. Purchasing a maxed Arcane directly is usually overpriced, so players need to be patient and farm or purchase them one by one slowly until they complete the required amount.

Then again, if players are looking for alternatives to complete this build Primary Merciless is easily farmable from killing Acolytes that appear in The Steel Path. But there's a shortcut to this since the Market price for this arcane at max is quite low: It goes for 30 Platinum, which is easily obtainable by selling spare Junk Prime Parts at Repeaters. Finally, the Exilus Mod Terminal Velocity drops from The Circuit Tier 1 and Tier 3 in Normal Difficulties, so players shouldn't have too much trouble acquiring one. The Dead Eye Aura mod can be purchased from Nora Night for 20 Credits, so it is quite easy to get.

Remember that when entering The Duviri Circuit, if the Nataruk appears as one of the randomized weapons it will carry a pre-arranged build, but players can approach the altar and modify it before setting out on this Rogue-like mode.

Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (4)

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Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (5)
Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (6)
Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (7)
Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (8)
Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (9)
Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (10)
Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (11)

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Warframe: Best Nataruk Build (2025)
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